resources && education

I believe one of the best approaches to become a software developer is to go in college study computer science or software engineering, however, I also believe that computer science doesn't fully prepare students for a real world experience. Yes, understanding theories such as Datastructure and Algorithms are very crucial for every software developer.but Having a job as software developer right after graduating from college is very hard and sometimes impossible due to the fact that most companies are looking for people who have a real world experience.Meaning, people who can hit the ground running on day 1. Most companies dont want to train people for months before they can be even productif. In order to avoid This type of situation, I decided to teach myself full-time using multiples plateforms while taking a part time computer science in college.You will find all the resources that I used down below.

graduation in computer science in progress

resources I used to teach myself coding at home full time

  • Introduction to CS50
  • Head first HTML CSS by Oreilly
  • Head first JavaScrip by Oreilly
  • Head first Php && MySql by Oreilly
  • Learning React by Alex Bank && Eve Porcello
  • Logic & Computer Design Fundamentals, 5th Edition by Pearson

I graduated with the bachelor degree in civil engineering on May 2016 with 4.2 GPA

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